
Japanese Tongue Twister 4

<Skill Levels: All>

Today's Japanese Tongue Twister is:

あかぱじゃま きぱじゃま ちゃぱじゃま
aka pajama, ki pajama, cha pajama
Red pajamas, yellow pajamas, and brown pajamas

Let's start slowly - then speed up - and repeat it very fast 10 times in a raw. Good luck.

red = 赤 (あか, aka) or 赤色(あかいろ, akairo)
yellow = 黄 (き, ki) or 黄色(きいろ, kiiro)
brown = 茶 (ちゃ, cha) or 茶色(ちゃいろ, chairo)
pajama = パジャマ (pajama) or 寝間着(ねまき, nemaki)

Answers: Quiz 4/22/11 (Riddle)

Japanese Riddles:  Link to the Quiz
<Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate>


(1) コトリ(kotori): KOTORI is a soft clink, the sound when an object are moved or put down. KOTORI also means 小鳥(a small bird).

(2) ひっぱりだこ(hippari-dako): being very popular; being in great demand

ひっぱる(hipparu, pull)
たこ(tako, octopus)

In old days, they pulled all the legs to different directions when making a dried octopus.
Pulled from all the directions ------> very popular; being in great demand.

"Tako" becomes "dako" when used in the second half of a compound word. The first consonant turns into a voiced sound d. (vs t is a voiceless sound)  

(3) スカンク (sukanku, skunk)

すかん(sukan)=すきではない (suki dewa nai, dislike)


Japanese Proverb 1

<Skill Levels: All>
ことわざ (Kotowaza; Japanese Proverb)

Dango, sweet rice dumplings, are very popular in Japan. People typically enjoy them with green tea. In spring, there are cherry blossoms and other beautiful flowers everywhere. Would you prefer to stay at home and eat sweet dumplings or to go out and enjoy viewing flowers? You may like neither, but I do both. It is a hard choice to make.

Here is today's Kotowaza: 

Hana yori dango
Dumplings over flowers
* A choice of practicality over aesthetics
* Substance over beauty.

Grammar: AよりB = B over A

Answers: Quiz 4/20/11 (Kanji Quiz 1)

<Skill Level: Beginner>
Link to Quiz (4/20/11) 

:はな/か, hana/ka

There are 2 ways to read this character (花): (1) hana or (2) ka
Which ones belong to (1) hana?
Which ones belong to (2) ka?

(a) a flower: <answer: (1)> example
(b) はな (1)
(c) ばな (1) Note: は becomes ば in a compound noun
(d) はな (1)
(e) (2)
(f)  はな (1)
(g) か(2)
(f)  はな (1)


Answers: Quiz 4/18/11 (Birthday)

Dialect Quiz 2 (4/18/11):

<Skill levels: Advanced>

A 「さぁーて、今日はいったい何の日でしょう。」 
B. 「何の日って、別に祝日でもないし、ふつーの月曜日やん。」
A 「もっかい、よーかんがえてみぃ?」
B  「そんなんゆうてもなぁ。あ、そや、わかったわ。」
A 「で?」
B 「月曜て、ごみ出しの日や。しもた、今朝出すの忘れてたわ。」
A 「それもそやけど、他にもあるやろ。」
B 「古本屋でセールやっとる日や。」
A 「あぁしんきくさい...もうええわ。」
B 「自分の誕生日に、そんなすねてどないすんねん。」
A 「なんや、しってんやったら、はよ言わんかい。」
B 「なにゆうてんねん。あほ、ケイタイみてみぃ。」
A 「あ、電池きれとったわ。すまん。」
B 「ほんま、やってられんわ。」

A 「さぁーて、今日はいったい何の日でしょう。」

Well, what (special) day is it today?

B. 「何の日って、別に祝日でもないし、ふつーの月曜日やん。」

Well, it's not a holiday. It's just an ordinary Monday, isn't it?

A 「もっかいよーかんがえてみぃ?」 

Think again.

B  「そんなんゆうてもなぁ。あ、そや、わかったわ。」

Hmmm...Oh, I got it.

A 「?」

(or んで?;そんで?)= それで。だから。

B 「月曜、ごみ出しの日や。しもた、今朝出すの忘れてたわ。」

Monday is a trash collection day. Darn, I forgot to take it (trash) out this morning.

A 「それもそやけど、他にもあるやろ。」

そやor せや=そうだ
You are right on that, but can't you come up with anything else?

B 「古本屋でセールやっとる日や。」

Ah, the/a used bookstore is having a promotion.

A 「あぁしんきくさい...もうええわ。」

Geez, I can't take it any more. Forget it.
B 「自分の誕生日に、そんなすねてどないすんねん。」

Don't be a sour puss on your own birthday.

A 「なんやしってんやったらはよ言わんかい。」

If you knew, why didn't you say that first?

B 「なにゆうてんねんあほケイタイみてみぃ。」

あほ=ばか in standard Japanese. あほ is casually used in Kansai.
What are you talking about. Idiot, look at your cell phone.

A 「あ、電池きれとったわ。すまん。」

Ah... the battery is out. My bad.

B 「ほんまやってられんわ。」

 Seriously, I don't know what to do with you. (or I can't take it any more.)


Japanese Riddles

<Skill Levels: Beginner, Intermediate>

なぞなぞ(nazonazo): Riddles
<動物, どうぶつ, doubutsu, animals> 

(1) 小さな鳥が落っこちました。さて、どんな音がしたでしょう。
     Chiisana tori ga, okkochi mashita. Sate, donna oto ga shita deshou?
     (A small bird fell off. What kind of sound did it make?)

(2) タコはタコでも、人気者のタコは何でしょう。
     Tako wa tako demo ninki  mono no  tako wa nan deshou?
     (What kind of TAKO is very popular? )

(3) 苦しいことが嫌いな動物は何でしょう。
     Kurushii koto ga kiraina doubutsu wa nan deshou?
     (What animal doesn't like to suffer?)

Link to: [Answers]


Quiz: The Golden Week

<Skill Level: All>

When is the Golden Week this year?

Answer - 

The end of April through the first week of May is called "ゴールデンウィーク: Golden Week" in Japan, since there are many national holidays during the period. Many people plan to go on vacations and/or visit their families.

If you take days off on May 2nd and the 6th, you can enjoy up to 10 consecutive holidays this year.

* 4/29/11 (Showa Day: 昭和の日)
* 4/30/11 (Saturday)
* 5/1/11 (May Day: メーデー・Sunday)
* 5/2/11 (Weekday) <---- This is just a regular weekday.
* 5/3/11 (Constitution Memorial Day: 憲法記念日)
* 5/4/11 (Greenery Day: みどりの日)
* 5/5/11 (Children's Day: こどもの日)
* 5/6/11 (Weekday) <---- This is just a regular weekday.
* 5/7/11 (Saturday)
* 5/8/11 (Sunday) 

祝日(しゅくじつ, shukujitsu): national holidays

昭和の日: しょうわのひ, Shouwa no hi
憲法記念日:けんこうきねんび, Kenkou kinenbi
みどりの日:みどりのひ, Midori no hi
こどもの日:こどものひ, Kodomo no hi


Kanji Quiz 1

<Skill Level: Beginner>

Spring (, haru) is full of flowers (花, hana). Although my cherry tree has lost all the flowers, azaleas (つつじ, tsutsuji) and other flowers have just started to bloom.

azalea: つつじ
tulip: チューリップ

Let's take a look at the word " (flower)"  today.

There are 2 ways to read this character (花): (1) hana or (2) ka

:はな/か, hana/ka 

Which ones belong to (1) hana?
Which ones belong to (2) ka?

(a) a flower: <answer: (1)>
(b) a petal: びら
(c) a pressed flower: おし
(d) a flower shop: やさん
(e) a vase: びん
(f) a bouquet: たば
(g) a flower bed: だん
(f)  flower viewing:

Link: Answers


Dialect Quiz 2: Birthday

Spring is the time to celebrate.

Unlike the school systems in other countries, Japanese schools start in April and often end in early March.

One of the common words you hear often in April is: Omedetou (gozaimasu).

<Skill Level: Never Learned Before, Beginner>



おめでとうございますOmedetou gozaimasu.
( gozaimasu adds politeness )

<Skill Level: Intermediate>

Casual: 卒業おめでとう。
Congratulations on your graduation.

入学(にゅうがく):Entrance to school
Polite: ご入学おめでとうございます。
Congratulations on entrance to school

Other Occasions: Birthday.

Otanjoubi omedetou.
Happy Birthday.

Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu.

Online posts:

<Skill Level: Advanced>

Kyoto Dialect:
おたんじょうび、おめでとうさんどす。(Otanjoubi omedetousandosu.)
Kyoto Dialect often adds さん to a noun.
どす(dosu) is a classic (old fashon) way to say です(desu)  in Kyoto.
<Skill Level: Advanced>

Dialect Quiz 2: Birthday

 2 guys are talking with dialects.

A 「さぁーて、今日はいったい何の日でしょう。」 
B. 「何の日って、別に祝日でもないし、ふつーの月曜日やん。」
A 「もっかい、よーかんがえてみぃ?」
B  「そんなんゆうてもなぁ。あ、そや、わかったわ。」
A 「で?」
B 「月曜て、ごみ出しの日や。しもた、今朝出すの忘れてたわ。」
A 「それもそやけど、他にもあるやろ。」
B 「古本屋でセールやっとる日や。」
A 「あぁしんきくさい...もうええわ。」
B 「自分の誕生日に、そんなすねてどないすんねん。」
A 「なんや、しってんやったら、はよ言わんかい。」
B 「なにゆうてんねん。あほ、ケイタイみてみぃ。」
A 「あ、電池きれとったわ。すまん。」
B 「ほんま、やってられんわ。」

Link to Answers


Business Japanese: Greetings 1

<Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced>
These are common Japanese greetings at an office. 

In the morning
Ohayou gozaimasu.
(Good morning.)

When your boss or coworkers are leaving the office:
(See you.)

When you leave your office:
XXni itte mairimasu.
I am going to XX.

When you leave your desk for a while:
shoushou seki wo hazushi masu.
(I am leaving my seat for a little while.)

When your boss or coworkers return to the office:
Welcome back.

When you are leaveing the office:
お先に失礼いたします。(more casually - お先に失礼します。)
Osakini shitsurei itashimasu. (Osakini shitsurei shimasu.)
I am leaving first.

When your boss or coworkers are leaving the office:
Otsukaresama deshita.
Thank you for the hard work.


Answers: Quiz 04/10/11 (Colors)

<Skill Levels: Never Learned before, beginner>

Link to: Quiz (04/10/11)

Find and circle colors in Japanese:

 * あか (aka): red
 * あお (ao): blue
 * きいろ (kiiro): yellow
 * きみどり (kimidori): chartreuse
 * みどり (midori): green
 * しろ (shiro): white
 * くろ (kuro): black
 * むらさき (murasaki): purple
 * ももいろ (momoiro): pink, peach color
 * はいいろ (haiiro): gray

Japanese Word Puzzle 1-a

Answers: Quiz 03/30/11 (Dialect)

<Skill Level: Advanced>

Today's post is for advanced learners!

(1) Phrases at a convention:

A-hakase wo goshoukai moushiagemasu.
Let me introduce Dr. A. to you.

Minasan, watakushiga tadaima minasan ni A-hakase wo goshoukai dekirukotowa, taihen meiyonakotode arimasu.
Ladies and gentlemen, I now have the great honor to introduce Dr. A to you.

<Skill Level: Advanced>

(2) Answers: Kansai Dialect Quiz 1 (03/30/11)

Question: Do you understand this dialogue?

A: えらい びしょびしょになってしもた。
B: そんなん、いまごろゆうてもあかんわ。
B: そやから、いきしに かさもってかなあかへんてゆうてたやないの。
A: そやけど、いそいでてんもん、しゃあないやん。なんか かわかすもん あらへんの?
B: ちょっと そこいてて。いまさがしてくるさかい。
A: はよして、さむうなってきた。
B: はいはい、おまちどうさん。
A: そんなぎょうさん いらんて。
B: もんくばっかりゆうてんと はよかわかしよし。

* えらい::very  とても
* しも:た have/has - ed  しまった   
* あかん: not good だめだ
* そやし、そやさかい, そやから: therefore (そう)だから
* そやけど: but だけど   
* しゃあない:can't help it, there is no other way しかたがない
* はよ:quickly, はやく
* ぎょうさん:much, たくさん
* ゆう: say 言う(いう)
* しよし: do しなさい
<Write with Kanji / (Rephrase) / Translate in English >

A: えらい びしょびしょになってしもた。

  (すっかり ずぶ濡れになってしまった。)
      I got soaked/drenched.

B: そんなん、今ごろ言うてもあかんわ。

      It's too late to say such a thing.

B: そやから、行きしに 傘持ってかなあかへんて言うてたやないの。

       So I told you to bring an unbrella with you.

A: そやけど、急いでてんもん、しゃあないやん。なんか 乾かすもん あらへんの?

       But I was in a hurry, so there was nothing I could do. 
       Don't you have anything that I can dry myself with?

B: ちょっと そこいてて。今探してくるさかい。

      Stay there for a little while. I will go look for something.

A: はよして、寒うなってきた。

      Hurry, I'm getting cold.

B: はいはい、お待ちどうさん。

       Alright, thanks for the wait.

A: そんなぎょうさん いらんて。

       I don't need this much.

B: 文句ばっかり言うてんと はよ乾かしよし。

      Stop complaining and dry yourself up.


Grammar: Demonstratives (KO-SO-A-DO)

<Skill Levels: Beginner, Intermediate>

Demonstratives: 指示詞 (しじし, shijishi)

[Beginner: just remember KO-SO-A-DO]
[Intermediate: please review Chart 1 & 2]

<Chart 1>
こ(ko) <--- something close to you
そ(so) <--- something close to your opponent  the person you are talking to

あ(a) <--- far from you and your opponent the person you are talking to
ど(do) <--- uncertain

<Chart 2>
     (Object)  (Place)    (Direction)  (Attributes)         
    これ       ここ        こちら          この      
そ   それ      そこ        そちら         その
   あれ      あそこ     あちら         あの      
   どれ       どこ        どちら         どの

これ (kore): this 
    これは何ですか。What is this?

ここ (here): here, this place
    ここにいてください。Please stay here.

こちら (kochira) over here, this thing/person
    こちらへ来てください。Please come over here.
    こちらのかたはAさんです。This is Mr./Ms A.

この (kono): this 
    このコーヒーはおいしいですね。This coffee is good.

それ (sore): it
    それは、何ですか?What is it?

そこ (soko): there 
    そこにいてください。 Please stay there/where you are.

そちら (sochira): there, your side 
    そちらの天気はいかがですか。How's the weather over there?
    そちらのご都合のよいときにお伺いします。I will visit when you are available.

その (sono): the
    その箱を見せてください。Please show me the box.

あれ (are): that
    あれは、何ですか? What is that?

あそこ (asoko): over there
    あそこに何かいますよ。Something is over there.

あちら (achira): there, that thing/person
    あちら側で待っていてください。Please wait on the other side.
    あちらの方はどなたですか。Who is the person over there?/Who is that person?

あの (ano): that
    あの店のことですか?Are you talking about that store?


どれ (dore): which one 
    どれがいいですか。Which one do you like?

どこ (doko): where
    どこに行きたいですか。Where do you want to go?

どちら (dochira): where, which one/person
    実家はどちらですか。Where are you from?
    どちらになさいますか。Which one would you prefer? (context:A sales rep is asking to a customer)
    どちらさまですか。May I ask who you are?

どの (dono): which
    どの色が好きですか。Which color do you like?


Kanji: 1st Grade (1)

<Skill Level: Never Learned Before, Beginner>
Kanji are Chinese characters used in Japanese language. These characters have their own meanings unlike Hiragana and Katakana alphabets, which are phonetic symbols. (Unlike Chinese Characters, each Japanese Kanji has multiple ways to read it, generally 2-3 ways.)

Here is a list of some 1st grader level Kanji, which look alike. 

one: 一 / two: 二 /  three: 三

left: 左 / right: 右

enter: 入 / person: 人

big: 大 / fat: 太 / dog: 犬

tree: 木 / forest: 森 / woods: 林

hundred: 百 / white: 白

moon: 月 / eyes: 目/ day: 日 / mouth: 口

<Kanji Quiz for today>

Translate the flowing Kanji characters:

(1) 森 (2) 白 (3) 太 (4) 入 (5) 日 (6) 一 (7) 木 (8) 犬 (9) 口 (10) 林 
(11) 三 (12) 月 (13) 右 (4) 人 (15) 百 (16) 大 (17) 二 (18) 目 (19) 左


Japanese Word Search Puzzle: Colors

<Skill Levels: Never Learned Before, Beginner>

色(いろ, iro): colors

Find colors in Japanese and circle around the words.  They can be found in any directions. How many do you find?

Japanese word search puzzle 1: colors

 Let's review colors in Japanese.

 * あか (aka): red
 * あお (ao): blue
 * きいろ (kiiro): yellow
 * きみどり (kimidori): chartreuse
 * みどり (midori): green
 * しろ (shiro): white
 * くろ (kuro): black
 * むらさき (murasaki): purple
 * ももいろ (momoiro): pink, peach color
 * はいいろ (haiiro): gray


Japanese Tongue Twister 3

<Skill Level: All>

Kame: turtle
Today's Japanese tongue twister is:
Repeat 10 times in a row. Have fun!



(おやがめのうえに こがめ こがめのうえに まごがめ まごがめのうえに ひまごがめ)
(Oyagame no ueni kogame, kogame no ueni magogame, magogame no ueni himagogame)
A child turtle is on top of a parent turtle, a grand child turtle is on top of a child turtle, and a great grand child turtle is on top of a grand child turtle.

Xの上に(Xのうえに, X no ueni): on top of X

When you make a compound noun, こ(ko) becomes が(ga)
こ(ko/child)+め(kame/turtle) ---> こめ(kogame)

亀(かめ, kame): turtle and tortoise
海亀(うみがめ, umigame): a sea turtle
陸亀(りくがめ, rikugame):a tortoise

家族(かぞく, kazoku): family
親(おや, oya): a parent, parents
両親(りょうしん, ryoushin): parents
母(はは, haha): my mother (a polite/formal form when you speak to someone else)*
おかあさん(okaasan): mother, mom
父(ちち, chichi): my father (a polite/formal form)*
おとうさん(otousan): father, dad
祖父(そふ, sofu): grandfather (a polite/formal form)*
おじいさん (ojii-san): grandfather
おじいちゃん(ojii-chan): grandpa
祖母(そぼ, sobo): grandmother (a polite/formal form)*
おばあさん (obaa-san): grandmother
おばあちゃん (obaa-chan): grandma, nana
子 (こ, ko): a child
子供(こども, kodomo): a child, children
孫(まご): grand kid(s)
ひ孫(ひまご): great grand kid(s)


Japanese Sound Effects (Japanese Onomatopoeia): Rain

Japanese Onomatopoeia, Japanese Sound Effects:
<Skill Level: Intermediate>

今朝雨が降って少し散りましたが、うちの桜も満開です。(けさあめがふってすこしちりましたが、うちのさくらもまんかいです。Kesa amega futte sukoshi chirimashita ga, uchino sakura mo mankai desu.) これは昨日とった写真です。(Kore wa kinou totta shashin desu.) 


Since it rained this morning, I will go over some rain related sound effects (sfx) today.

<Basic Sentences>:
今日は雨です。きょうは、あめです。Kyou wa ame desu.: It's rainy today.
雨が降っています。 あめがふっています。 amega futte imasu:  It is raining.

雨 (あめ, ame): rain
雨が降る (あめがふる, amega furu): It rains
~ている/~ています,  (~teiru/~imasu):  be ~ing
始める (はじめる hajimeru): starts
~た/~ました,  (~ta/~mashita):  did ~ (past tense)


Japanese Sound Effects (SFX) / Japanese Onomatopoeia:
* 擬声語(ぎせいご, giseigo): Words that imitate sounds of humans and other animals. (eg. meowing and barking)
* 擬音語(ぎおんご, giongo): Words that imitate sounds of objects. (eg. sound of trains)
* 擬態語(ぎたいご, gitaigo): Mimetic words that describe non-auditory senses.(eg. smile)

* ざあざあ (ザーザー , zaa-zaa): the sound of continuous heavy rain/pouring rain

雨がザーザー降っている。あめがざあざあふっている。It's raining heavily. /It's pouring.

* ザーッ (ざあっ, zaatz):  sound of rushing water/pouring rain/a downpour. It's often used to describe the beginning of the pouring rain.

雨がザーっと降ってきた。あめがざあっとふってきた。The rain started heavily..

* しとしと (shitoshito): drizzle

雨がしとしと降っています。あめがしとしとふっています。It is drizzling.

* ぽつり  (potsuri): the sound of sporadic rain drops when it starts raining

雨がぽつりと降り始めました。あめがぽつりとふりはじめました。It started to rain lightly

* ぽつりぽつり  (potsuri-potsuri): sound of the small rain drops

雨がぽつりぽつりと降ってきました。.It started to rain lightly

* ぽつぽつ  (ポツポツ, potsu-potsu): sound of small rain drops, which is slightly faster than ぽつりぽつり potsuri-potsuri. pitter-patter

雨がぽつぽつ降り始めました。amega potsu-pots- furi hajime mashita. It started to rain lightly

* ぱらぱら (パラパラ, para-para): less sporadic than ぽつぽつ potsu-potsu

* ばらばら(バラバラ, bara-bara): sound of bigger rain drops (than para-para) before a downpour

* ぼたぼた (ボタボタ, bota-bota):sound of big heavy rain drops

雨がぼたぼたと降っています。It rains with heavy rain drops.

大粒の雨がぼたばたと落ちてきました。 Big rain drops were falling.

* ごろごろ  (goro-goro): sound of thunder, rumble
雷がごろごろ鳴った。かみなりがごろごろなった。Thunder rumbled.

* ぴかぴか (pika-pika): flashing
稲光がぴかぴか光った。いなびかりがぴかぴかひかった。 Lightening flashed.


Japanese Tongue Twisters 2

<Skill Level: All>

Tongue Twisters: 早口言葉 (はやくちことば;hayakuchi kotoba)

Link to: Japanese Tongue Twisters 1
Link to: Japanese Numbers

カエルぴょこぴょこ 三ぴょこぴょこ 合わせてぴょこぴょこ 六ぴょこぴょこ
かえるぴょこぴょこ みぴょこぴょこ あわせてぴょこぴょこ むぴょこぴょこ
kaeru pyokopyoko mi-pyokopyoko  awasete pyokopyoko mu-pyokopyoko
(Frogs are hopping, 3 more are hopping, altogether, six are hopping)

Can you repeat this Japanese tongue twister 10 times in a row?

If you would like to study on weekend, please view my old post to review Japanese numbers.

三 (3) : み, mi
六 (6) : む, mu

The classic way to count in Japanese:
ひ ふ み(三/3) よ いつ む(六/6) なな や ここ とお

Cooking Japanese Sweets

<Skill Level: All>

Making Japanese sweets on weekends:
Shuumatsu wa wagashi zukuri

Here is a photo of  桜 SAKURA (a cherry tree) in front of my house.
It will probably take a few more days to fully bloom.
I wish it were a little warmer...

I was thinking about making some 桜餅 (Sakura-mochi), the seasonal pink rice cake that I mentioned yesterday, but I never really liked them. Instead, I probably should have made some 花見団子(Hanami-dango), skewed tri-colored (ピンク pink /  しろwhite / みどり green) sweet rice dumplings, which are also popular during this season. .What I actually ended up making was きなこ大福(kinako daifuku), rice cake with sweet red azuki bean paste filling, coated with きなこ Kinako that is sweetened roasted yellow soybean powder.


* あん or あんこ (an or anko): sweet red azuki bean paste
* つぶあん: coarse sweet red bean paste
* こしあん : smooth sweet red bean paste
Boil red azuki beans with lots of water. I changed water twice. After cooking/boiling for a hour and a half, add lots of granulated sugar. (Don't use brown sugar.) Simmer it down till all the juice is all absorbed.


きなこ:きなこ, kinako, roasted yellow soybean powder
大福:だいふく, daifuku, rice cake with sweet red bean paste filling
餅粉:もちこ, mochiko, glutinous rice powder
砂糖: さとう, satou, sugar

I am sure that there are many different ways to make it. Since I normally don't bother looking up recipes in cookbooks, this is how I do it. Add warm water to 餅粉 (mochiko) to make it into the playdough-like consistency, make ball shaped dough pieces, then boil them. (You can also steam instead of boiling, then separate the dough into smaller pieces afterwords.) Rinse the dumplings with cold water quickly, then air-dry. (Make sure they are dry enough so that Kinako does not get wet. It probably takes only for a couple of minutes.  Don't leave it out too long otherwise the cake will turn hard.)  Stretch the dough and stuff あんこ red beans. Mix きなこ kinako and 砂糖 satou + a dash of にっき cinnamon . Sprinkle sweetened きなこ over 大福.

Other vocabularies:

* cooking: 料理, りょうり, ryouri
* cook:  料理(を)する, りょうり(を)する, ryouri (wo) suru
* sweets: 菓子, かし, kashi
* Japanese sweets: 和菓子, わがし, wagashi
* make ~: ~を作る, ~をつくる, ~ wo tsukuru
* boil ~: ~をゆでる, ~wo yuderu
* cool down ~: ~を 冷ます, さます, ~ wo samasu

* color(s): , いろ, iro
* pink: ピンク, pinku, or "桃色(ももいろ, momo-iro, peach color)"
* red: , あか, aka
* blue: , あお, ao
* green: , みどり, midori
* purple: , むらさき, murasaki
* white: , しろ, shiro
* black: , くろ, kuro
* brown: 茶色, ちゃいろ, chairo
* gray: グレー, gree, or 灰色, はいいろ, haiiro (which means ash-color)

These Japanese sweets go very well with green tea to have a nice relaxing weekend (other than the fact that I need to cook and clean up).


Cherry Blossoms (さくら)

Today's Weather Forecast: 本日の天気予報(ほんじつの てんきよほう, honjitsu no tenki yohou)

本日午後より、エープリルフールの影響で 、全国的に大雨が降る見込みです。お出かけの際には、傘をお忘れなく。(ほんじつ ごごより、えいぷりるふうる の えいきょうで、 ぜんこくてきに おおあめが ふる みこみです。おでかけのさいには、かさを おわすれなく。)
It's April!  In Japan, they don't talk about spring cleaning. (They do it on New Years eve.) It's time to go out and enjoy the cherry blossoms!

Here is a list of terms related to cherry blossoms.

<Skill Level: All>

* spring:  春, はる, haru

* flowers:  花, はな, hana

* flower petals: 花びら, はなびら, hanabira

* cherry blossoms/trees:  桜, さくら, sakura

* (the sight of) cherry blossom at night: 夜桜, よざくら, yozakura

* cherry blossom viewing:  花見, はなみ, hanami

Hanami can be just taking a walk and enjoying the cherry blossoms, eating lunch under cherry trees, or partying under the cherry trees at night.

* Sake/ rice wine:  酒, さけ, sake

* beer: ビール, びいる, biiru

* a drunk:  酔っ払い, よっぱらい, yopparai

* juice: ジュース, じゅうす, juusu

* drink ~:  ~を飲む, ~をのむ, ~ wo nomu

* eat ~:  ~を食べる, ~をたべる, ~ wo taberu

* Sakuramochi:  桜餅, さくらもち, sakuramochi

A seasonal Japanese confectionery. A pink rice cake with sweet beans inside, wrapped with a mildly saluted picked cherry leaf. Sakuramochi in Kanto (East, near Tokyo) and Kansai (West, near Osaka and Kyoto) regions are different.

* Somei Yoshino:  染井吉野, そめいよしの, someiyoshino
The Somei Yhoshino are the most popular cherry trees in Japan.

* weeping cherry trees: 枝垂桜, しだれざくら, shidarezakura

* forecast of flowering time: 開花予想, かいかよそう, kaikayosou

* the cherry-blossom front: 桜前線, さくらぜんせん, sakurazennsenn
South (March) --> Central (April) --> North (early May)

*a flurry of falling cherry blossoms: 花吹雪, はなふぶき, hanafubuki

* (The cherry blossoms) fall: (桜の花が)散る, ちる, chiru

* sfx for the falling petals of cherry blossoms: ひらひら, hirahira.

Example:  桜の花びらがひらひらと舞う。さくらのはなびらがひらひらとまう。Sakurano hanabiraga hirahirato mau. The (pedals of ) cherry blossoms fall gently. 舞う means dance.